Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Whore-dom in Ho-sea!

I understand the book of Hosea; I see the symbolism; I even get God's motives. But what I didn't expect on my journey through the OT was how upset it was going to make me at the church. Not necessarily my current church but definitely the churches I grew up in and really organized religion in general...in Texas.

It's odd because you would think that all they preach in the bible belt is fire and brimstone, when in actuality, the opposite is true. I go to a "seeker sensitive" church and they preach accordingly; pretty basic, humorous, entertaining stuff. But aside from the Saturday night service, nothing too heavy. Fair enough, I knew that going in. On the other hand, the church I grew up in was a small Baptised church. If anybody knows OT God, it's these guys!...Now I say OT God obviously in jest; I do know OT and NT God are one in the same, but come on, there are huge behavioral differences there.

Now where I think that modern day Christian churches drop the ball *points to invisible seminary degree that gives me the right to make comments like this* is they constantly dumb down the Bible. They want us all to love and worship long haired, flip flop wearing, Caucasian friendly-light skinned Jesus so they teach us all about his Grace and Mercy. The only problem is they often stop short of teaching us about his wrath and judgement. THIS IS ALL THE SAME GOD. And then what are you left with? A spiritually retarded twenty-three year old, who when she explores the Bible on her own, cannot correlate OT God with NT God.

I know you cannot win people over by quoting Hosea 13:16 to them, and I acknowledge that it does serve a very significant purpose in the Bible; it was put in there to make a powerful point about the on going spiritual adultery of Isreal on God, but you have to show that side of things to your congregation, too. Otherwise they will find it one day while playing Bible roulette and be completely terrified. We need to be equipped to handle the Old Testament. I am not. And I think if I were not 'almost brainwashed' from such a young age with exclusive teachings on Love, Mercy, and rainbows I could handle it. If some OT truths were sprinkled through out my formative Sunday school years I would be better prepared now to face these biblical realities. Ok, I'm finished. By the way that reminds me, does anyone have the kid friendly curriculum on Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's daughters, and Drunk Noah that I could borrow?

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